Electrical Support after Real Estate Inspections


There are many companies available to perform inspection services when you are thinking of buying a building, and many of the inspectors have a good overall knowledge of the major components of construction.  They perform a valuable service by finding and pointing out troublesome areas for potential buyers.

However, most inspectors are not electricians, so they are not technically knowledgeable enough to fully diagnose and estimate the repairs or upgrades that will be needed to meet codes or keep the building safe from fire.  This is especially important if you are looking at a commercial building or apartment complex where the electrical system is more complicated.

If you have an inspection done and electrical issues are found, we would be glad to help correct those issues.   We have over 3 decades of experience in this area and are very skilled at estimating and repairing them.  You can give us a call at (317) 659-6899, or send us a note through our online contact form.   We are always ready to help you.