Getting Back to School Safely

This week means back to school for many students around Indianapolis. The start of the school year can be very busy for many families, but it's important to take the time and review back to school safety with your children. SuperFrye Guy wants everyone to have a safe and happy start to the school year, so he’s put together some important points to review about getting to and from school safely: 

When waiting for or getting off the bus, it's important to be safe! While waiting for the bus to come, make sure to stand 3 big steps away from the curb (about 6 feet). If you have to cross the street when getting on or off the bus, be sure to look both ways to make sure you’re clear of traffic, and never cross behind the bus! Always cross in front of the bus; the bus driver should be able to see you and you should be able to see them, so about 10 feet in front of the bus is a good distance to cross. 

While you’re riding the bus, practice these safety rules to help keep you and others safe. Pick a seat and sit down; moving around can be a distraction to the bus driver. Keep your head, hands, and arms inside the bus at all times, and don’t stick them out windows. Keep your belongings in your seat so you’re not blocking the aisle, and remain seated until the bus comes to a full stop before standing up or moving about; this will help keep you and others from getting hurt.

If you walk to school, walk with a group of kids and a trusted adult. Always walk on the sidewalk if there is one, but if there isn’t, walk on the side of the road facing traffic so drivers can see you and you can see them. The safest place to cross the street is at an intersection, so make sure to look both ways and be clear of traffic before crossing.

If you ride your bike to school, practice bicycle safety. Always wear a helmet for protection, and brightly colored clothing so drivers can easily see you. Ride your bike in a single-file line on the right side of the road in the same direction as the cars are going. Obey traffic laws and always stop at stop signs. If you need to cross the street, look both ways, and wait until traffic is clear.

SuperFrye Guy and everyone at Frye Electric wishes you a safe and successful start to the new school year!

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